Trump and Biden Argue About The Easter Transgender Day Of Visibility

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Republican challenger Trump clashes with Biden over Transgender Day, causing controversy among Americans. Biden declares March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility, highlighting courage and contributions.

Trump and Biden
Source: Google [Image by foxnews]

President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Donald Trump have clashed over the decision to have a day celebrating transgender people fall on Easter. Biden declared March 31 the Transgender Day of Visibility to honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans. The date coincides with Easter Sunday, one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar.

The Trump allegations

The Trump campaign branded Biden’s declaration “appalling” and part of a “years-long assault on the Christian faith.” Republican House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson also took aim at Biden, a practicing Catholic, labeling the proclamation “outrageous and abhorrent” and a betrayal of the “central tenet” of Easter.

White House response

White House spokesman Andrew Bates defended Biden’s proclamation, stating that Republicans were seeking to “divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric.” Biden has cast himself as a champion of LGBTQ rights as part of a drive for greater fairness and equality, while Trump has courted conservative Christians who feel alienated by secular liberal culture.

In the US, state laws related to transgender recognition differ significantly. Many Democratic-led states allow trans people to declare their preferred gender without the need for surgery or other medical intervention, while Republican-ruled states have passed laws banning gender-affirming treatment for minors and only allowing biological females to compete in women’s sports.

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